first day May 21st:
Sa’id and I got on the same bus without knowing we were going to be working together. We were also both wearing Whitney Houston shirts. We did an activity about proper workplace behavior and expectations. We drew what we thought a good employee looked like and we also drew an example of a not so great employee and what you should avoid doing in a workplace setting. I was definitely super nervous about my first day. I was almost late due to an MBTA issue, nothing new. My first day was super fun, Xochi got us gigantic donuts. I didn’t finish mine, it ended up staying in the fridge for a week or two.
second day May 28th:
On our second Saturday we took the ferry to Long Wharf. We went on a nice tour with Ranger Shawn and talked about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Boston’s involvement in the slave trade. We talked about the long wharf and its long history, we took a tour of State Street, learned about Anthony Burns and the change in infrastructure. I liked learning about how different Boston looked.
third day June 4th:
My favorite part of day three was playing tarp drop, which is a fun way to get to know people and remember names. I also liked going around the Navy Yard, and getting to familiarize myself with my new home for the summer. We also had time to learn more about cameras and
how to operate them.
fourth day June 11th:
My favorite part of this work day was the dry dock tour. Being able to go down into the dry dock and get a different perspective was cool. We had to put on hard hats which made the experience ten times cooler. Getting to learn about the purpose of dry docks, which is to repair ships, was also fun.
fifth day June 18th: Spectacle Island trip.
We got a ranger tour on Spectacle! It was the rangers first tour. Something that stuck with me was the ten year long smallpox epidemic (people were quarantined on Spectacle!) It was really eye opening. I think karma got to the British because they were forcing people to quarantine and they ended up spreading the smallpox and the epidemic lasted 10 years.