During April 28, we went out to one of the Boston Harbor Islands, known as Spectacle Island. While there, we not only learned about the history of the island and the lifestyle of its caretaker, but also about the biodiversity of the island and the work that goes into maintaining a national park. Some members of the group started the day by gardening, cleaning the beach, or rebuilding a fence that had fallen. Then, the rest of the day was divided into learning about some of the different rangers and workers, as well as learning more about and exploring the island. One person the team talked to was Andrew PetitDeMange, a ranger who works in the National Park Service. He imparted information about his life to us, and stressed the importance of doing not only what we love, but finding out what we don’t love as an indicator of what we should do. We also talked to Brendan, the caretaker of the island, and learned the amount of work and effort that goes into making sure a national park is visitor friendly and in good condition. For example, Brendan spends most of the year living on the island to make sure nothing goes wrong and that he is present to deal with whatever problems arise. Thanks to him, Spectacle Island is a beautiful, family-friendly place and a great time to spend one’s weekend. The team also enjoyed talking to Brendan’s dog, Skipper. Next, we went around the park taking part in the City Nature Challenge. The CNC is an annual event in which participants download an app called iNaturalist and go around their towns and cities taking and posting pictures of wildlife. The city with the most posts and species identifications wins bragging rights, but it is a great way to get outside and enjoy the breathtaking marvel of nature. We were able to make our own impact on the CNC, as well as take a step back examine the species and organisms that make Spectacle Island their home. Luckily, we were able to see a Red-tailed Hawk from up close, which was a highlight of the day for some! The team enjoyed the event and gives their thanks to the Boston Harbor Islands, Brendan, Andrew and Skipper.